Should Wearing Masks Be A Political Issue?

COVID-19 has been one of the prominent aspects of 2020. With over 200,000 people dead in the country, as well as millions of cases total, this pandemic has been one of the toughest parts of this year for the entire world. In a time when our own citizens are dying, people should be coming together. However, this has not been the case, and the pandemic has resulted in the division in the country to further increase. One reason for this is because of masks.

Masks have caused a huge debate in the country, with multiple proponents on both sides of the debate. The main arguments against the mask are that they can be inconvenient, uncomfortable, and that they go against the First Amendment. However, the main argument in favor of wearing a mask is that they help prevent the spread of COVID-19.

Personally, I believe that this should not be a political issue, and there should not be two sides on this issue. This should not be a topic up for debate. The American citizens should be listening to the doctors and scientists in the country who are explaining why wearing a mask will help fight the pandemic.

The political climate is so divisive that wearing a mask has become a huge issue in the country. In order to beat this pandemic we need to come together and unite as a nation. We need to be able to compromise and communicate to each other, which can only happen through having tough conversations. By breaking the political divide in the country, I believe that this debate will cease to exist, and the country will be able to go back to the way that it was in time.

Sources Regarding This Topic:

Pros and Cons of Different Types of Masks

How Masks Differ


Gun Law Reform & Mom’s Demand Action


Discussion on Mental Health