Be A Leader. Stand Out. Be The Change.

Becoming educated is possible in various ways. One way is through creative writing, like poetry. These poems are about pertinent issues in today’s society that need to be addressed.


Black Lives Matter

By: Avani Giri

I never worry about going on a run

Or playing on the sidewalk, drawing with my chalk

I never struggle with wearing baggy clothes in a car

And I’m not trying to lecture you, I just want to talk

I never fear about going into a store

Or being stopped for anything based on my exterior 

I’ve never dealt with being seen as a threat

And I know that black men have, if you don’t I’ll take that bet

Posting about condolences and forgetting, yeah that’s sad

People exploiting culture because it is a “fad”

Taking away what was once someone else’s identity

This is not okay, no matter your political party

This is not political, it’s between life and death

People are simply dying due to their complexion

Too many lives are gone, taken from this world

Arbery, Floyd, Taylor, and so many more

What will it take to finally take a stand

We need to come together, hand in hand

Let’s fight systemic racism, and make it end

To the people rallying and fighting, you I commend

This needs to stay prevalent, it’s not a silly trend

It’s time to stand up for the lives that cannot

It’s time for change, the time is now

Let’s fight to make a difference, education is one way how


Gun Control

By: Avani Giri

Going to school, shaking in my shoes

Getting ready to open the door

Not ready to think about what could happen

Or what I have in store

Walking to first period, think I hear a gun shot

When it’s really someone slamming a door

Looking at my phone to see a news alert

Another shooting in this country occurred

February 14, Parkland lost 17 souls

A day meant for love, only hate was shown

Columbine, Virginia Tech, and so many more

So many lives have been taken from this world

Guns may be a constitutional right

But what about the innocent children that are dying

If there were stricter laws to get a firearm

Then less parents would be at their kids’ graves crying

It’s time to make changes in honor of the lives taken

It’s time to address the incidents that occurred

We need to fix what we have now

It’s time to be the change, education is one way how


If you would like to write a poem on a topic that you are interested in, please Contact Me here: