The COVID-19 Vaccine

As the COVID pandemic has progressed, scientists and medical professionals have been able to create vaccines to combat this virus.

In the United States…


332 million doses have been given

158 million people are fully vaccinated

48.2% of the population is fully vaccinated


According to the CDC, there are currently 3 prominent COVID vaccines: the Moderna vaccine, the Pfizer vaccine, and the Johnson & Johnson’s Janssen vaccine.

About Each Vaccine


The Moderna Vaccine

  • This vaccine is recommended for people who are 18 years old or older.

  • There are 2 shots administered, and they are given 28 days apart.

  • Based on clinical trials and according to the CDC, in people ages 18 and older, this vaccine was 94.1% effective in preventing people from contracting COVID-19.

The Pfizer Vaccine

  • This vaccine is recommended for people who are 12 years old or older.

  • There are 2 shots administered, and they are given 21 days apart.

  • Based on clinical trials, in people ages 16 and older, this vaccine was 95% effective in preventing people from contracting COVID-19. This vaccine was also highly effective in the age group of 12-15 year-olds.

The Johnson & Johnson Janssen Vaccine

  • This vaccine is recommended for people who are 18 years old or older.

  • There is 1 shot administered.

  • Based on clinical trials, this vaccine was 66.3% effective in preventing people from contracting COVID-19.

It is important to continue to learn more about the COVID-19 Vaccine. It is also important to continue to have conversations about the vaccine.