More Insights on the Power of Gen-Z

When it came to what people in our generation could do, one of the biggest things we could do, according to my peers, was to keep up the conversation so that people in higher positions hear our demands. It is pertinent to continue posting on social media, calling people in government, or signing petitions so that adults are able to see that Gen-Z wants change. It is important to not talk about this issue like it is a trend, but to instead continue speaking and demanding change. As a generation, we should donate if we can, and keep the momentum up. Our generation is fluent in using technology, so we should use this to our advantage. We should post about this issue to spread the word. We should use our platforms, no matter how big or how small, to demand change and keep the conversation going. If as a generation we come together, we can make huge strides in this movement and therefore make change. Our generation should also educate others in places where we can, like in the house or in school. We can start clubs, have conversations with family and friends, or have other conversations within the community to continue raising awareness in spaces where we are able to. No matter our age, we should try to make an impact however we can because little gestures can go a long way when it comes to these issues. Overall, our generation should not stop advocating for change. This issue will always be around as long as people ignore it or pretend it isn’t happening. The death of George Floyd caused an uproar in the country, but this issue should stay prevalent even when there is not a lot of media coverage. Our generation can be the change, and we can make change through our actions, no matter how small they may seem.


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