More Insight on the Power of Tough Conversations

Racism is not something that can be changed overnight, and some people I talked to expressed that they did not think that racism would be “fixed” by the end of our lifetimes. These are tough but necessary conversations to have. One person I talked to explained how having conversations with people on the opposite side is important. It is pertinent to understand other people’s perspectives, no matter how uncomfortable the conversation may be. There are people that are so assured about their perspective that they cannot understand the other side. I was able to talk to people that did not know a good solution because they could not understand how people could not support this cause. This showed me that there is a lot of work to do on both sides of the issue to break the divide and try to come to a solution. I spoke to people about this topic, which could be uncomfortable at times. However, it was important to break through that stage and get to understand each other. If each side is able to understand the other and get to know why they believe what they believe, then both sides can learn more about each other and possibly even begin to find common ground.


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