The COVID Vaccine

The COVID vaccine has been a hot topic especially over the past couple of months. Physicians began to get vaccinated in December of 2020, and then slowly people began to get their first dose of the vaccine based on their level of priority. About two weeks after getting the first dose, the second dose was then administered to people. Now, people are discussing getting booster shots, and physicians are beginning to get those doses. Through all of the recent discussion in society about the vaccine, debates have arisen about the vaccine in a variety of contexts. For instance, there have been debates about students getting vaccinated, the actual efficacy of the vaccine, and whether it should be mandated for people to get the vaccine. This topic has resulted in stronger polarization in the country because society is very divided about the vaccine.

It is important to learn more about this topic through different perspectives. Even if there are mixed opinions on these topics, it is important to respect each other for our differences and work to find similarities between our views. Once we realize that we are more alike than we realize, we will be able to make true change.

Here are some articles related to the COVID vaccine and how it works:


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